Benefits of Implementing Mediterranean Diet

Diet is one of the ways to achieve and maintain an ideal body condition, but its benefits go beyond that. There are many types of diets, and one of the popular ones worldwide is the Mediterranean diet, which is quite distinctive. Here we will explain the health benefits that can be obtained from the Mediterranean diet and how to implement it.

What is the Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean diet is a diet adapted from the eating patterns of people in countries in the Mediterranean region, such as France, Spain, Greece and Italy. The Mediterranean diet menu itself focuses on consuming fruit, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats.

This diet was initially popular because people in the area had been following this diet for a long time. Then there was a 2019 study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health which found that these people were very healthy and had a low risk of many chronic diseases.

That is why the Mediterranean diet is often used by people who want to improve their health and avoid various risks of disease.

The diet itself is not too difficult, as it primarily focuses on consuming plant-based foods. These foods are rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and complex carbohydrates, all of which are beneficial for the body.

Although it emphasizes plant-based foods, it still allows for the consumption of proteins or fats such as eggs, meat, and others. Foods to be avoided in this diet are sugar and other artificial sweeteners. Additionally, only one large meal per day is recommended, preferably between 1 pm and 3 pm.

Benefits of Implementing the Mediterranean Diet for Health

The primary goal of most people when dieting is to achieve an ideal body, but the Mediterranean diet offers more benefits. Here we will explain the various benefits that can be obtained by implementing the Mediterranean diet in daily life.

1. Maintaining an Ideal Body Weight

An ideal body weight can be well maintained by following the Mediterranean diet. Sufficient food intake, along with necessary vitamins and minerals, will keep the body weight ideal while maintaining health. Particularly, consuming plant-based foods helps to regulate body fat levels.

See also : 15 Healthy Food Ideas for Weight Loss

2. Regulating Blood Sugar Levels

One of the restrictions in the Mediterranean diet is the avoidance of sugar and artificial sweeteners, which clearly helps in maintaining stable blood sugar levels. This makes the diet suitable for preventing or reducing the risk of very dangerous diseases like diabetes. For individuals with diabetes, this diet is also effective in maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

3. Helping Maintain Heart Health

The Mediterranean diet includes a lot of consumption of grains, vegetables, and fish, which are considered to have low-fat content. Therefore, this diet helps maintain heart health and prevents various dangerous heart diseases. Additionally, consuming fish in this diet provides healthy fats to the body, further ensuring heart health.

4. Maintaining Bone Health

The Mediterranean diet provides sufficient calcium and vitamin D to the body, which are related to bone health. Intake of these vitamins and minerals helps keep bones strong and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Intake of low-fat milk, fish, and various green vegetables that contribute to bone health can be maintained through this diet.

5. Reducing the Risk of Cancer

The Mediterranean diet involves consuming a lot of vegetables and fruits, which are high in antioxidants. Therefore, this diet is effective in preventing various types of cancer, from colon cancer to other types. Antioxidants help the body fight free radicals that cause cancer to develop in the body.

6. Slowing Cognitive Decline

Several studies in 2016 on the Mediterranean diet show a positive relationship between this diet and brain health. Adherence to this diet reduces the risk of cognitive decline, which is commonly experienced as people age. Moreover, this diet can help prevent progressive diseases such as Alzheimer’s and maintain cognitive function.

7. Improving Mental Health

Research also indicates that a healthy diet helps the brain release happy hormones. Therefore, a healthy diet from the Mediterranean diet ultimately helps reduce anxiety and depression in humans. Indirectly, this diet pattern helps improve mental health, allowing individuals to live more vibrant lives every day.

8. Reducing the Risk of Stroke

Low-fat and low-sodium food intake will certainly help the body avoid nerve diseases such as stroke. A 2018 study explained that the Mediterranean diet program reduces the risk of stroke by up to 8.5% due to healthy food intake. So, apart from achieving an ideal body, you can also avoid the quite frightening and deadly disease of stroke.

9. Reducing the Risk of Joint Inflammation

The foods recommended in the Mediterranean diet mostly contain various healthy fatty acids for the body. Some of these nutrients are anti-inflammatory substances that can prevent inflammation, including joint inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids are highly recommended in the Mediterranean diet and are anti-inflammatory, preventing joint inflammation.

Proper Implementation of the Mediterranean Diet

To keep the body healthy while implementing the Mediterranean diet, there are several things to consider. Here are some of them.

1. Increase Intake of Vegetables and Fruits

Increase the portions of vegetables and fruits, as food intake will certainly decrease compared to before. Choose vegetables and fruits that are rich in iron, as you are not reducing the consumption of red meat in this diet.

2. Ensure Adequate Protein Intake

Protein intake should remain adequate, not only from plant-based sources but also from animal protein. You may choose proteins with low levels of unhealthy fats, such as fish, which are very good for the body. Protein processing should also avoid adding fats; steaming or grilling is recommended.

See also : 22 Quick and Simple Vegetarian Dinner Recipes

3. Consume Whole Grains Foods

Consume whole grain foods such as cereal or whole wheat bread for daily energy needs. Basically, consuming these foods is not only to maintain energy in the body but also to obtain many nutrients and vitamins. So, even though you are on a diet, your body can still remain fit and healthy.

4. Implement Gradually

If you want to implement the Mediterranean diet, it is best to do it gradually so that the body can adapt slowly. Some initial intakes may only be reduced until they are not consumed at all. That’s how to implement the Mediterranean diet properly.

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